Updates and alerts about the progress of problem solving at the customer service desk increase the loyalty of the consumers. When a caller calls up with some problem that needs to be fixed over a period of time, the call center must provide the caller with regular updates. It may be that the BPO is not wasting a moment in working towards a possible solution, but unless you inform the caller about your progress, the caller will think that you are sitting on it without doing anything. This will increase the caller’s impatience and invite more calls to the inbound call center desk. That way, you are handling a higher call volume without any productive purpose.
The BPO unit must put together a framework to update the customers and callers. A call from the outbound call center desk would be ideal. An email would be adequate as well. Callers feel paranoid when you are completely out of touch. The problem may be one of many that your call center handles in a day. But for the caller, the problem is one that occupies the mind every waking moment. The caller cannot be at peace unless the issue is resolved. Hearing from your end assures them that they are in good hands.